The information Katrina has given me, particularly on my MBTI type, was really useful. Overall I think Katrina did an exceptional job as she has given me knowledge and information for life. She should be commended for her excellent, life changing work!
Many people confuse the terms “assertive” and “aggressive”, yet the two couldn’t be further apart.
Being assertive means communicating what you really want in a clear fashion, respecting the rights and feelings of yourself and others. Being aggressive is self-enhancing behaviour at the expense of others.
Some people avoid being assertive because they worry about displeasing others or being seen as demanding or hard to work with. However, while avoidance may help you avoid some immediate unpleasantness, it may also lead to diminished self-confidence communication skills; increased stress; indecisiveness and a lack of respect from managers and colleagues.
Organisations are more successful when people interact with honesty, assurance and clarity. A more assertive workforce makes better decisions and takes quicker action to get things done. It also cultivates is a creative environment where people can express themselves clearly and free of fear.
In her Assertive Communication workshops, Katrina explores:
- individual behaviour and patterns; how you work with others
- verbal styles and communication clarity including rationale
- active listening and understanding ‘the power of silence’
- elements of courageous conversations, such as saying no or delivering difficult messages
- the art of compromise to achieve higher aims
- awareness of body language to complement or diffuse conversations as needed
- maintaining confidence and emotional control in tough situations
- giving and receiving feedback
- making requests, delegating, giving directions, and offering advice, and
- negotiating salary and terms to match your experience and worth